How to get rid of ticks in dogs ?

A dog is a pet that is loyal to its owner. Most dogs guard their home at night. If your dog is already infected with ticks, here are some ways to remove them.

Spot On Treatments

Spot treatment is an effective tick treatment for your dog and other pets. It can be ordered from a veterinarian or online. Use with caution. Be sure to read the label before use (read on). If you don't understand it, consult a veterinarian. Keep this in mind and never use this medicine without understanding it. It will completely kill the ticks on your animal. Many manes are not likely to get ticks. In addition to ticks, it also protects your animals from feet.

Oral medications

The tablets are used once a month. They can be easily found anywhere. These medicines are very useful for ticks and fleas. After using them, you don't have to worry about diseases like ticks. It is used for cats and pets in addition to dogs. It is easy to use.


Bathe your dog with a shampoo that contains tick killers. This is an effective and easy way to get rid of ticks. You should use it almost every week.

Tick tips

This is a very effective treatment. It contains chemicals that are mixed with your dog's body. There is no need to bathe the dog after applying it. These chemicals are very harsh, so they Read the label carefully before use. It can completely eliminate ticks and control it for some time. Do not use on young, pregnant or lactating animals. Consult a veterinarian thoroughly and inform him well about the dog so that its use cannot harm your animal.

Tick Collar

It is also a type of chemical. It is mostly used for the head and neck. It is an effective preventive medicine. Use it with caution. Prevent the dog from chewing. Do not use if the dog has allergies or sore throat. Check dog thoroughly before use. Be sure to read label or consult a veterinarian before use.  


This medicine will be in the form of a powder, which is used to kill ticks on pets (use with caution). It can cause inflammation in the mouth or lungs. It is a fine powder. Check the product before use to see if it is formulated to kill ticks and fleas. Rub it on. Take care of the face and eyes when applying the powder. This product must be used once a week. It is also used on the area where your dog sleeps or walks.

Tick spray

It is the most modern of all medicines. It kills ticks very quickly and also controls ticks. It is used between shampoos or dips. If you go to a forest area if It is very useful in places where there are many ticks, and you take your dog too. It can be sprayed on any animal. Take special care of the face and eyes when using it. Never use near pets.

Home and lawn treatments

When you trim any bushes or trees in your home, the ticks spread from their dirt. This will eliminate fleas anywhere. If there are tick problems, use sprays etc. to eliminate ticks. And use drugs like chemicals, powders etc. to control them. These can be easily obtained from any pet doctor. Care must be taken while using them. They are very harmful to humans, animals and fish. If you do not know about any of these drugs, read the label carefully before using it or consult a doctor.

Check your dog

Check your dog thoroughly after taking him outside because ticks can hide in different places. Check the dog carefully and carefully. Check the dog between the toes and rings, near the neck and on the bark. By checking and removing them in time, you can protect your animal from serious diseases. If a tick is found during the check, it should be removed immediately and completely eradicated.

Keep the dog indoors

It is best not to walk the dog outside too much. And avoid taking it to areas like the woods, where ticks abound. Take special care to keep your pet safe. It is a useful practice to do. Use pet precautions. When your dog goes outside, he is prone to ticks. Take special care of your dog in summer, as ticks are more likely to be present during this season.